808One day in the twisted love life of a serial killer. -
开幕式于2024年7月26日举行,计划在巴黎的标志性地标——埃菲尔铁塔前进行。此次开幕式的设计和理念与以往不同,主办方将开幕式的主要部分安排在塞纳河沿岸,旨在打破传统体育场馆的界限,打造一个开放的、面向公众的盛大仪式。 届时,运动员将乘坐船只沿塞纳河游行,这一创意既展示了巴黎的城市风貌,又能让更
她来自未来 一百年以后
822改编自苏联作家季尔·布雷乔夫的“她来自未来”系列小说的其中一个故事《一百年以后》。 -
859Grisha, a former spoiled brat, who was a serf and became a man, after a trip to the "past" is sensitive to any injustice. And, of course, he -
626Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of th -
Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes
467Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes